Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thoughts on Being a Mama

Ever since I was a little kid I always wanted to be a Mom.  There were times that I wanted to be veterinarian, a teacher, a social worker, a nurse....I could just never find my niche.  I couldn't pass chemestry, I tried teaching to littles and it wasn't for me, after working in my field of social work for 3 years...nope that wasn't it either. 

When I was pregnant with my son I knew I wanted to stay home but I figured I'd eventually go back to work once he was old enough to start school.  It was always in the back of my mind those 9 months of what will I do when I will go back?  What am I going to be when I grow up?!  I'm already grown for peat's sake!!  Shouldn't I have figured this out already and have it all together?

When my son was born something clicked.  As I became more confident being a Mom and being home, I realized THIS is what I want to be when I grow up!  I'm good at this!  I feel challenged, comfortable, creative, and appreciated in this role (even when its not always shown I know that I'm appreciated).  I know that when this season is gone.  And my child(ren) are grown that I will find a new role/career.  But until then I'm savoring all the moments I can because this is the happiest and most content I've ever been. 

It isn't always rainbows and sunshine, WE have our bad days and moments.  I can get just as ugly as he can when we're just having an off day.  But you can't have the good without the bad.  I've made my fair share of mistakes as a Mom but I'm learning.    I am so very gratefull that I am a Mom and that I finally found my niche.

                                                                    Photo by my brother.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Things that Make Me Smile

I really enjoyed doing this post that last time so I thought I would do it again :)  Hope you enjoy!

I am currently working on one of these for Connor as a Christmas present and it has been so much fun!  Can't wait to share pictures when it is finished.

I think these are so beautiful! 

I thought my kitchen was pretty awesome until I saw this on Pinterest (still LOVE my kitchen though).  Love everything about this kitchen.

I think this is an awesome idea!!  How fun would it be to get something unique like that in the mail?!

I don't know what it is about dessert in a jar but I really want to try it.  Especially cake in a jar!

Speaking of S'mores, I made this one time and it was amazing!! 

Have a great weekend!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

My Garden

So here are some pictures of the garden that I took the other day.  We've been eating lots and lots of lettuce and even Mr. Mopsy Bunny got some, too.  I would share a picture of him but he looks a bit ridiculous as I gave him a summer hair cut yesterday.  Lets just say I'm not a bunny beautician but its short and will help keep him cool.  He's an Angora so he gets ridiculously furry.

Please ignore the weeds, its been a busy weekend.


More Lettuce:

Black Valentine Beans:


Cucumbers and there are some tomatoes and peppers in the background, hard to see though:

I've also got some carrots, butternut and summer squash plants up, too.  Everything seems to be doing good so far.  And in case your wondering about the strings dividing up the garden, its called Square Foot Gardening.  This type of gardening saves space because you train all the plants to grow vertical up a trellis.  I'll eventually take down the strings but for now they are helping me to know how much room I need between plants.

And this one just for fun.  Connor put together this little number, a diaper, an apron, and shoes (I made the apron).  What else do you need?!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I have been so neglectful of my blog.  And the truth is I have a hard time with writing.  It takes a lot of effort for me sometimes to put my thoughts on paper (or a computer) but I really feel that writing is good for me and I like the idea of keeping a journal of Mommyhood.  So I'm going to try to make more of an effort to write here.

There obviously has been a lot going on in our home since December! hahaha!  In the past two months I've been crafting as usual, cooking, and planting in our garden.  I started our garden from seed this year which I was very nervous about.  However, this evening we ate salad and the lettuce was from our garden!  It was tasty, too!!  It tasted like lettuce and I grew it!!  Its very satisfying to say that.  We've got butternut squash, summer squash, peas, beans, hot peppers, sweet peppers, tomatoes, basil, and carrots all growing in the garden this year.  I will have to post pictures soon.  Its been a busy weekend and haven't had a chance to upload any.

We spent yesterday and this morning at an indoor water park hotel.  And we all had a blast!  We wore Connor out, actually I think he wore us all out!!  He was ALL over the place but it was great fun.  I didn't get any pictures in the actual water park because I didn't want to risk ruining my camera.  There were buckets all over the place there that would randomly dump water on your head, hahaha!!  Not mention the crazy amount of splashing children running around!  Connor is definitely a water baby and I'm so glad because I love to swim.  He had so much fun going down the baby water slide there.  He actually fell asleep twice while we were floating around in the lazy river! 

Tomorrow we're grilling out!! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

One Year Old

Today, I am officially a Mama to a one year old, a toddler!!!  How did that happen?!  Seriously, didn't I just give birth to him?!  It has been such an amazing year watching him explore and grow.  It so bittersweet, I miss him being so small but its so fun to see him learning everyday.  So bear with me as I brag about my boy some more.

At Connor's last check up (@ the end of November) he:

Weighed: 23lb (50th percentile)
Height: 31in (90th percentile)
Long and lean like his Daddy.

At 1 years old Connor can:

Walk unassisted (for the most part)
Crawl on hands and knees
Sign 'please', 'all done', 'more', 'play', and P U (we made that one up, lol) (he only uses 'more' and 'all done' appropriately)
Finger feed himself
Point out 'nose' on Mama or Dada and 'ears' on himself, Mama, and Dada
Gives kisses and Hugs
Wave Bye-Bye

Connor's personality is really showing now that he's a bit older.  As a baby he was pretty laid back except around feeding time :)  He is super sweet boy who loves to give kisses and hugs all the time.  He's still pretty laid back but boy oh boy is he not patient and he's got a 0 to 60 temper, too (both soooo much like me).  Luckily he doesn't hold grudges, he gets upset, lets it out and moves on. 
Motherhood has taught me a lot about myself and changed me in many many good ways.  I see myself reflected in him so much which is sometimes painful (the hot temper for example).  It is an amazing, difficult, and very messy job but its definitely the best thing I've ever had the priveledge of doing. 

Looking back at all those pictures of his first days almost makes me ready for baby number 2....almost :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Things that Make Me Smile

I've seen other blogs do something similar to this and thought it would be fun to try.  So here are somethings that I've found recently that I love.  Enjoy

  • I love this bag so much! 
  • I've been really into keeping a journal recently and these are beautiful!
  • This blog is great comedic relief.  'A Floridian's Fall Trip' is my favorite most recent post, hilarious!
  • I think this sign is pretty funny, too.
  • I know this seems a bit out there for some but I've really been intersted in starting this as a new hobby.  Not that I really need anymore hobbies ;)
  • I know this is a teen book but I'm almost done reading it and so far I like it.
  • This book as been sitting on my bookshelf for awhile, I'm planning on reading it next.  I LOVE Neil Gaiman!
  • Last but not least, I love this guys toothy smile!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Its Been Awhile

I haven't blogged since June, I'm such a bad blogger!!  I just haven't been in the mood nor really had a ton of time.  It has been a very busy summer indeed.  There's been lots of cooking, crafting, and thrifting (I LOVE garage sales!).

Connor has mastered the crawl and loves to be chased!  He's pretty well mastered pulling up to stand and is now starting to cruise.  Its really exciting to see his world open up even more even though I don't get near enough done like I used to.  We've enjoyed lots of walks to the riverfront this summer.  Its not the beach thats for sure, but it is peaceful to watch nonetheless.

I've been kinda in a funk the past couple of months that I've been trying to get out of.  Think I've been feeling isolated out here in my small town.  I know I need to let things go a bit more at the house to get out there and meet more families and just enjoy the day with my favorite little guy.  Its just really hard for me to do that, I feel guilty when I don't feel like I've worked 'hard enough'.  I think its just adjusting to a new career of Domestic Engineering.  I'm also still adjusting to mommyhood and the stress that comes with it.  I've been trying to direct all the stressful and funky energy into creating, whether it be cooking or crafting. 

This summer has been full of making and creating.  I've been cooking tons, making most of our food from scratch to save money.  I've been crafting like crazy, too.  My list of items made include:  a sweater for Connor (so so proud of it!), cart cover, cloth diapers, rattle for Connor, and cards!  So I decided that I would open an etsy shop to sell some of my creations.  Maybe earn a little "Mad Money" for those times when a little retail therapy is needed.  I do love thrifting!!

When you get a chance, check out my store!  I'll be adding more things soon!


Here are some new pics of my soon-to-be 10 month old!!  A lil over 2 months till the big birthday, can't believe it!!