Monday, May 30, 2011

My Garden

So here are some pictures of the garden that I took the other day.  We've been eating lots and lots of lettuce and even Mr. Mopsy Bunny got some, too.  I would share a picture of him but he looks a bit ridiculous as I gave him a summer hair cut yesterday.  Lets just say I'm not a bunny beautician but its short and will help keep him cool.  He's an Angora so he gets ridiculously furry.

Please ignore the weeds, its been a busy weekend.


More Lettuce:

Black Valentine Beans:


Cucumbers and there are some tomatoes and peppers in the background, hard to see though:

I've also got some carrots, butternut and summer squash plants up, too.  Everything seems to be doing good so far.  And in case your wondering about the strings dividing up the garden, its called Square Foot Gardening.  This type of gardening saves space because you train all the plants to grow vertical up a trellis.  I'll eventually take down the strings but for now they are helping me to know how much room I need between plants.

And this one just for fun.  Connor put together this little number, a diaper, an apron, and shoes (I made the apron).  What else do you need?!

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