Today, I am officially a Mama to a one year old, a toddler!!! How did that happen?! Seriously, didn't I just give birth to him?! It has been such an amazing year watching him explore and grow. It so bittersweet, I miss him being so small but its so fun to see him learning everyday. So bear with me as I brag about my boy some more.
At Connor's last check up (@ the end of November) he:
Weighed: 23lb (50th percentile)
Height: 31in (90th percentile)
Long and lean like his Daddy.
At 1 years old Connor can:
Walk unassisted (for the most part)
Crawl on hands and knees
Sign 'please', 'all done', 'more', 'play', and P U (we made that one up, lol) (he only uses 'more' and 'all done' appropriately)
Finger feed himself
Point out 'nose' on Mama or Dada and 'ears' on himself, Mama, and Dada
Gives kisses and Hugs
Wave Bye-Bye
Connor's personality is really showing now that he's a bit older. As a baby he was pretty laid back except around feeding time :) He is super sweet boy who loves to give kisses and hugs all the time. He's still pretty laid back but boy oh boy is he not patient and he's got a 0 to 60 temper, too (both soooo much like me). Luckily he doesn't hold grudges, he gets upset, lets it out and moves on.
Motherhood has taught me a lot about myself and changed me in many many good ways. I see myself reflected in him so much which is sometimes painful (the hot temper for example). It is an amazing, difficult, and very messy job but its definitely the best thing I've ever had the priveledge of doing.
Looking back at all those pictures of his first days almost makes me ready for baby number 2....almost :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Things that Make Me Smile
I've seen other blogs do something similar to this and thought it would be fun to try. So here are somethings that I've found recently that I love. Enjoy
- I love this bag so much!
- I've been really into keeping a journal recently and these are beautiful!
- This blog is great comedic relief. 'A Floridian's Fall Trip' is my favorite most recent post, hilarious!
- I think this sign is pretty funny, too.
- I know this seems a bit out there for some but I've really been intersted in starting this as a new hobby. Not that I really need anymore hobbies ;)
- I know this is a teen book but I'm almost done reading it and so far I like it.
- This book as been sitting on my bookshelf for awhile, I'm planning on reading it next. I LOVE Neil Gaiman!
- Last but not least, I love this guys toothy smile!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Its Been Awhile
I haven't blogged since June, I'm such a bad blogger!! I just haven't been in the mood nor really had a ton of time. It has been a very busy summer indeed. There's been lots of cooking, crafting, and thrifting (I LOVE garage sales!).
Connor has mastered the crawl and loves to be chased! He's pretty well mastered pulling up to stand and is now starting to cruise. Its really exciting to see his world open up even more even though I don't get near enough done like I used to. We've enjoyed lots of walks to the riverfront this summer. Its not the beach thats for sure, but it is peaceful to watch nonetheless.
I've been kinda in a funk the past couple of months that I've been trying to get out of. Think I've been feeling isolated out here in my small town. I know I need to let things go a bit more at the house to get out there and meet more families and just enjoy the day with my favorite little guy. Its just really hard for me to do that, I feel guilty when I don't feel like I've worked 'hard enough'. I think its just adjusting to a new career of Domestic Engineering. I'm also still adjusting to mommyhood and the stress that comes with it. I've been trying to direct all the stressful and funky energy into creating, whether it be cooking or crafting.
This summer has been full of making and creating. I've been cooking tons, making most of our food from scratch to save money. I've been crafting like crazy, too. My list of items made include: a sweater for Connor (so so proud of it!), cart cover, cloth diapers, rattle for Connor, and cards! So I decided that I would open an etsy shop to sell some of my creations. Maybe earn a little "Mad Money" for those times when a little retail therapy is needed. I do love thrifting!!
When you get a chance, check out my store! I'll be adding more things soon!
Here are some new pics of my soon-to-be 10 month old!! A lil over 2 months till the big birthday, can't believe it!!
Connor has mastered the crawl and loves to be chased! He's pretty well mastered pulling up to stand and is now starting to cruise. Its really exciting to see his world open up even more even though I don't get near enough done like I used to. We've enjoyed lots of walks to the riverfront this summer. Its not the beach thats for sure, but it is peaceful to watch nonetheless.
I've been kinda in a funk the past couple of months that I've been trying to get out of. Think I've been feeling isolated out here in my small town. I know I need to let things go a bit more at the house to get out there and meet more families and just enjoy the day with my favorite little guy. Its just really hard for me to do that, I feel guilty when I don't feel like I've worked 'hard enough'. I think its just adjusting to a new career of Domestic Engineering. I'm also still adjusting to mommyhood and the stress that comes with it. I've been trying to direct all the stressful and funky energy into creating, whether it be cooking or crafting.
This summer has been full of making and creating. I've been cooking tons, making most of our food from scratch to save money. I've been crafting like crazy, too. My list of items made include: a sweater for Connor (so so proud of it!), cart cover, cloth diapers, rattle for Connor, and cards! So I decided that I would open an etsy shop to sell some of my creations. Maybe earn a little "Mad Money" for those times when a little retail therapy is needed. I do love thrifting!!
When you get a chance, check out my store! I'll be adding more things soon!
Here are some new pics of my soon-to-be 10 month old!! A lil over 2 months till the big birthday, can't believe it!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Wilma Jane
Caution: Lengthy Post!
About 1 1/2 weeks ago, I got a phone call from my Mom to let me know that my Grandma's blood pressure had dropped drastically. My Grandma had been sick for a long time and had moved to a nursing home last November after being in the hospital for several weeks. I just had that feeling that this was the end and unfortunately it was.
The last time I saw her was in April and we basically said our goodbyes then because I think we both new that would be the last time we'd see each other. I live about 6 hours from her so I didn't get to see her often, especially with a new baby. I was already packing our bags when my Mom called to tell me she had passed. The next morning Connor and I (Daddy stayed home due to his new position at work) left on our long trip up to be with family. (He was so good the whole time and pretty good on the way home, too.)
I still can't believe she's gone, she has always been there! I use to visit her every Sunday (or there abouts) from childhood up until I moved south. She taught me to knit and would help when I'd get stuck on a pattern. I remember riding the bus with her to the mall and spending all day watching Shirley Temple movies with her. Since moving here, we wrote to each other quite a bit until the last year or so. At the end of each letter she would always write "May God hold you in the palm of his hand until next we meet." That has been stuck in my head ever since I saw her last. There are so many more things that I could write about her but nothing would do her justice other than the eulogy my brother wrote and read at her funeral. So I'd like to share some of it with you. (She would have been 94 in August.)
Her life began in 1916, just after the Victorian era-and here locally at the conclusion of the Gas Boom and that life continued all the way through the first decade of the twenty-first century. She was alive during two world wars, a great depression, the rise of the automobile, Kennedy's assassination, the moon landing, economic cycles, and countless other technological achievements. Grandma spent all 93 years here in Muncie, yet had traveled extensively in the United States, Europe, and Canada.
Grandma's love of travel was matched by her love of learning and reading-a love that stayed with her up until the very end of her life. She was a 1933 graduate of Muncie Central and received her teaching degree from Ball State in 1937 at a time when very few even went to college, let alone women. But her love of knowledge was informal as well. I don't remember a time I visited that she did not have a stack of books somewhere in her immediate vicinity. She remembered everything and had a firm understanding of life, history, and the world.
This love of learning and reading extended to her vocation as a teacher-I say vocation because she identified with teaching as a calling and not as a career. During her 60 years of teaching, she inspired and educated over 1000 students, the full influence of which we will never truly know.
While she was proud of these achievements, however, she was most proud of her family. She was the daughter of Gail Burton, a Spanish-American war veteran and Dillie Burton a homemaker. She was the sister of Don Burton, a radio pioneer. She married Luther Farr, who had fought in the Pacific theater during World War II and had two children with him, Kathy and Pat. She had four grandchildren-James, Emily, Erin, and myself along with three great-grandchildren-Jamie, Kaitlyn, and Connor. Each of us were touched by Grandma both in word and deed and I know that if I become half the person she was, I'll have succeeded by true measure based on the qualities of the curiosity, love, and forgiveness-characteristics that have been largely lost in out modern way of life, but measures that Grandma lived by on a daily basis.
We will never forget Grandma or her influence on our lives, nor the last time we saw her as she prepared for one last journey and waved goodbye, and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.

Love and miss you sooooo much, Grandma! "May God hold you in the palm of his hand until next we meet."
About 1 1/2 weeks ago, I got a phone call from my Mom to let me know that my Grandma's blood pressure had dropped drastically. My Grandma had been sick for a long time and had moved to a nursing home last November after being in the hospital for several weeks. I just had that feeling that this was the end and unfortunately it was.
The last time I saw her was in April and we basically said our goodbyes then because I think we both new that would be the last time we'd see each other. I live about 6 hours from her so I didn't get to see her often, especially with a new baby. I was already packing our bags when my Mom called to tell me she had passed. The next morning Connor and I (Daddy stayed home due to his new position at work) left on our long trip up to be with family. (He was so good the whole time and pretty good on the way home, too.)
I still can't believe she's gone, she has always been there! I use to visit her every Sunday (or there abouts) from childhood up until I moved south. She taught me to knit and would help when I'd get stuck on a pattern. I remember riding the bus with her to the mall and spending all day watching Shirley Temple movies with her. Since moving here, we wrote to each other quite a bit until the last year or so. At the end of each letter she would always write "May God hold you in the palm of his hand until next we meet." That has been stuck in my head ever since I saw her last. There are so many more things that I could write about her but nothing would do her justice other than the eulogy my brother wrote and read at her funeral. So I'd like to share some of it with you. (She would have been 94 in August.)
Her life began in 1916, just after the Victorian era-and here locally at the conclusion of the Gas Boom and that life continued all the way through the first decade of the twenty-first century. She was alive during two world wars, a great depression, the rise of the automobile, Kennedy's assassination, the moon landing, economic cycles, and countless other technological achievements. Grandma spent all 93 years here in Muncie, yet had traveled extensively in the United States, Europe, and Canada.
Grandma's love of travel was matched by her love of learning and reading-a love that stayed with her up until the very end of her life. She was a 1933 graduate of Muncie Central and received her teaching degree from Ball State in 1937 at a time when very few even went to college, let alone women. But her love of knowledge was informal as well. I don't remember a time I visited that she did not have a stack of books somewhere in her immediate vicinity. She remembered everything and had a firm understanding of life, history, and the world.
This love of learning and reading extended to her vocation as a teacher-I say vocation because she identified with teaching as a calling and not as a career. During her 60 years of teaching, she inspired and educated over 1000 students, the full influence of which we will never truly know.
While she was proud of these achievements, however, she was most proud of her family. She was the daughter of Gail Burton, a Spanish-American war veteran and Dillie Burton a homemaker. She was the sister of Don Burton, a radio pioneer. She married Luther Farr, who had fought in the Pacific theater during World War II and had two children with him, Kathy and Pat. She had four grandchildren-James, Emily, Erin, and myself along with three great-grandchildren-Jamie, Kaitlyn, and Connor. Each of us were touched by Grandma both in word and deed and I know that if I become half the person she was, I'll have succeeded by true measure based on the qualities of the curiosity, love, and forgiveness-characteristics that have been largely lost in out modern way of life, but measures that Grandma lived by on a daily basis.
We will never forget Grandma or her influence on our lives, nor the last time we saw her as she prepared for one last journey and waved goodbye, and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.

Love and miss you sooooo much, Grandma! "May God hold you in the palm of his hand until next we meet."
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Gardening, Sewing, and Baby Smiles
We've been pretty busy here at the Schmitt Haus. We started our first garden *fingers crossed* and I've been working on a few sewing projects. We finished putting our garden out last weekend which I know you aren't suppose to do until after this weekend but we live further south and its warmer here. We are growing tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, string beans, and snow peas. I may start from seed next year , I thought it would be too much this year with being new to mommy hood and all. I hope it does well but if we have any troubles I can always consult my gardening expert who also happens to be my sister! She's quite handy.

I was able to get my sewing machine out and sew up a bag and make some strap protectors for my new carrier I got for Mother's Day :) I'm currently reading up on how to sew clothing. I'm a bit intimidated looks really hard. I'm still pretty new to sewing but hopefully I can figure it out. Practice makes perfect, right? ;)
I've also been able to take lots of pictures of Connor smiling!! I guess the thrill and the interest of the camera is gone and he's not so distracted by it anymore.
I was able to get my sewing machine out and sew up a bag and make some strap protectors for my new carrier I got for Mother's Day :) I'm currently reading up on how to sew clothing. I'm a bit intimidated looks really hard. I'm still pretty new to sewing but hopefully I can figure it out. Practice makes perfect, right? ;)
I've also been able to take lots of pictures of Connor smiling!! I guess the thrill and the interest of the camera is gone and he's not so distracted by it anymore.
Can't believe that he's going to be 5 Months on Friday!! These 5 months have gone by so fast :(
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Fresh Cut Grass :)
Here's my boy enjoying hanging outside with Mama. Wasn't too sure about the grass, he kept looking back to see my reaction.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Ecclesiastes 3:1
1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every purpose under the heavens: 2 A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot 3 A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build 4 A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance 5 A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain 6 A time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away 7 A time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak 8 A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Bicornuate Uterus
I thought I would put a post up about this in case anyone diagnosed with this would stumble across my blog. I had a hard time finding information of women that were diagnosed with this so hopefully this might help someone. Sorry if this post is TMI for anyone :)
When I was about 9 weeks preggers with my son my doctor had me go in for an ultra sound to confirm the due date since my last period wasn't regular. The ultra sound tech asked me if I had 2 cervices, my response was "ummmm....I don't think so, is that even possible?". The tech blew it off like it was no big deal (probably to keep a new mama from worrying) and so I was surprised when I received a phone call the next day from the Doc. office. They wanted me to go see a specialist so see what was actually going on in there. I asked if the baby was going to be alright and she said 'there's a possibility the baby won't make it'. Scared me to death!
Through some testing they determined that I had a Bicornuate Uterus (divided uterus or heart shaped uterus). Apparently its a birth defect and kidney issues usually go along with it, I was fortunate to not have that problem. The baby was in the left horn and they weren't sure if the baby would make to full term or make it at all. They pretty much guaranteed me that I would have to have a c-section if he did. I would have to be carefully monitored. I had ultra sounds every two weeks for eight months to check growth and cervix. Most of them were internal ultra sounds :( (I really don't think its possible to keep your modesty when your pregnant. I lost count of how many different people saw me naked, by the end I just didn't care anymore :P) It was a really scary that first and second trimester. They doc said that with this condition, the further along in pregnancy the more dangerous it is for the baby. He is a very smart baby and made good use of his very little space.
I felt great throughout my pregnancy until the very end. I had severe back pain due to all the weight on one side and at around 7 months preggers you could tell I was lop sided ;P It was really obvious when I was 9 months along. I really regret not taking any bare belly shots to document the lopsidedness of my belly.
Luckily, my cervix held strong and Connor was able to grow to full-term without any complications. I was no longer considered high risk at about 8 months. In fact I had a normal delivery and he weighed over 7lbs!! Pretty impressive considering he only had half a uterus to grow in.
We do plan to try to have another in a few years and have been told that the next pregnancy should easier since once you have a baby your uterus stretches much easier. They do want me to have a dye test just to have a more accurate picture to ensure that they didn't miss anything. Connor's future sibling(s) owe him big for doing all the work of creating more room to grow :)
He is one cool guy!

Crafting and Mommyhood
Before Connor was born, I was a big crafter. Love to sew, crochet, knit some, alter boxes and books, all kinds of stuff. I expected that once he came that would be on hold for awhile and that I would be ok with that. What I didn't expect is that I would miss it sooooo much! I've been able to do some since he was born but not near enough that I would like to. Connor is starting to no longer be content sitting with me while I crochet or sew, he wants to up and about with me. I really try to find little times during the day that I can easily slip into something and then pick up where I left off without trouble. I'm working on finding a good balance.
I'm a big blog reader and have read plenty of blogs of Moms who have three or more kiddos that are able to make all kinds of things. How do they do it? I guess I will learn more about the art of multitasking as I get more experience with Mommyhood. Although, I can type, feed Connor, and feed myself all at the same time. Those are some mad multitasking skills right there!
Speaking of feeding...Connor is already showing an interest in food! He's barely 4 months old! He loves to watch my husband and I eat and tries to reach or bat at whatever we're eating. 2 more months to go on that one though. He's going through a big growth spurt right now and is eating constantly. He's been waking up twice a night to be fed, he has done that since he was three months old. Its been a little rough the past four nights, he had me so spoiled with sleeping through the night.
Will post some new pics of my boy soon.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Ahhh spring...
Yesterday was a lovely, lovely day. It started off with a walk outside with my favorite baby boy. It got around 73* here yesterday and I made sure to really soak it up. Just when I didn't think it could get any just kept getting better and better.
Let me go back a bit....I'm breastfeeding and it has been really really hard, well that's an understatement. Connor wouldn't latch at all (not even really close his mouth) and lost a pound within the first four days of his life. And at the recommendation of his doctor, I've been pumping and feeding. We met with so many lactation consultants but just was unable to get him to latch. There were some really good ones and there were some really bad ones, but that's a whole other entry. I've continued to work with him on his latch but hadn't made much progress. Boy did I feel like such a failure as a Mom. Let me tell ya, pumping and bottle feeding is a lot of work and makes going out and about by myself extremely difficult. I really wanted this to work...I had to make it work for financial reasons and of course health benefits for my boy. I've come so close to quitting so many times but kept telling myself I'll just continue till March. Well March is here and my boy must of been listening because now he CAN latch!! Yesterday he nursed for 20 minutes!!!! I couldn't believe it! (He still prefers the bottle because its easier but I'm working on getting him to take the breast more.) 'I thought then this day can't get any better'...
With it being spring weather and all, I had to do some cleaning. I decided to clean the kitchen floors. My floors were a bit dirty, ahem. I was wearing Connor on the front and leaned over to get a good scrub (making him lean back, don't worry he was securely in there :P ) when he started to giggle. I don't mean just a small chuckle, he was cracking up which got me to laughing and made him laugh even harder. That's the first time he has really laughed like that. Then I thought, 'ok this day really can't get any better'....
Then I get a call from my husband while he is at work. He tells me that he has some news and I think 'oh crap' (his work has been down sizing like crazy lately). He tells me that they want to promote him and give him a very significant sized raise! Which is a lifesaver since I'm now staying home and don't plan to go back anytime soon. It has to get officially approved of but fingers crossed.
I really love being home.

Sunday, March 7, 2010
I'm giving the blog thing a go...
Not sure if I'll like it but thought I would give it a try. Don't get me wrong, I love to read other people's blogs, I'm just terrible at journaling or keeping up with my son's baby book and this is quite similar. I do like the idea of having a place to write about whatever I want and keep up with old friends or possibly making new ones. This will probably be a very boring place just to warn anyone who decides to read it. I plan to mainly just write about my experiences with Mommyhood (which I'm am new to) and crafting. My two favorite things to talk about!
I had the joy of becoming a mommy three months ago today at 4:04pm to a beautiful boy Connor. He has been a wonderful baby and growing so fast! He loves to smile, giggle, and recently examine his hands so intently he will fall asleep. Oh and I do have a lovely hubby who I adore, too. We will be celebrating our first year of married bliss on St. Paddy's day.
Before I became a full time mommy I worked as a social worker. A job I both loved and hated! I got my Bachelor's of Social work in the summer of 2005 from good ole BSU. Moved to Southern Indiana in the summer of 2007 and for the most part like it here. Not sure if we will stay here forever but like it enough to stay for now.
In case anyone is wondering about the blog name...its kind of a long story but in short my husband lovingly nicknamed me hippie when we were dating (how I got that nickname is a long story). One day, a friend of ours wrote "Stay tuned for another exciting episode of Hippie and the Bean" on my myspace page (back when I kept one) referring to us ('the bean' I'm guessing refers to my husband's hairless head or as I call it bean) and I thought it was really funny.
Oh and in case you can't tell I have a tendency to ramble and switch subject matter whenever. I'm a bit scatterbrained at times but hubby convinces me that its an endearing quality.
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