Monday, April 5, 2010

Crafting and Mommyhood

Before Connor was born, I was a big crafter. Love to sew, crochet, knit some, alter boxes and books, all kinds of stuff. I expected that once he came that would be on hold for awhile and that I would be ok with that. What I didn't expect is that I would miss it sooooo much! I've been able to do some since he was born but not near enough that I would like to. Connor is starting to no longer be content sitting with me while I crochet or sew, he wants to up and about with me. I really try to find little times during the day that I can easily slip into something and then pick up where I left off without trouble. I'm working on finding a good balance.

I'm a big blog reader and have read plenty of blogs of Moms who have three or more kiddos that are able to make all kinds of things. How do they do it? I guess I will learn more about the art of multitasking as I get more experience with Mommyhood. Although, I can type, feed Connor, and feed myself all at the same time. Those are some mad multitasking skills right there!

Speaking of feeding...Connor is already showing an interest in food! He's barely 4 months old! He loves to watch my husband and I eat and tries to reach or bat at whatever we're eating. 2 more months to go on that one though. He's going through a big growth spurt right now and is eating constantly. He's been waking up twice a night to be fed, he has done that since he was three months old. Its been a little rough the past four nights, he had me so spoiled with sleeping through the night.

Will post some new pics of my boy soon.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed and agreed! Though I'm not crafty I often wonder how much of my life is going to change when Wilson gets here! Less internet surfing for me I guess? LOL
