Today, I am officially a Mama to a one year old, a toddler!!! How did that happen?! Seriously, didn't I just give birth to him?! It has been such an amazing year watching him explore and grow. It so bittersweet, I miss him being so small but its so fun to see him learning everyday. So bear with me as I brag about my boy some more.
At Connor's last check up (@ the end of November) he:
Weighed: 23lb (50th percentile)
Height: 31in (90th percentile)
Long and lean like his Daddy.
At 1 years old Connor can:
Walk unassisted (for the most part)
Crawl on hands and knees
Sign 'please', 'all done', 'more', 'play', and P U (we made that one up, lol) (he only uses 'more' and 'all done' appropriately)
Finger feed himself
Point out 'nose' on Mama or Dada and 'ears' on himself, Mama, and Dada
Gives kisses and Hugs
Wave Bye-Bye
Connor's personality is really showing now that he's a bit older. As a baby he was pretty laid back except around feeding time :) He is super sweet boy who loves to give kisses and hugs all the time. He's still pretty laid back but boy oh boy is he not patient and he's got a 0 to 60 temper, too (both soooo much like me). Luckily he doesn't hold grudges, he gets upset, lets it out and moves on.
Motherhood has taught me a lot about myself and changed me in many many good ways. I see myself reflected in him so much which is sometimes painful (the hot temper for example). It is an amazing, difficult, and very messy job but its definitely the best thing I've ever had the priveledge of doing.
Looking back at all those pictures of his first days almost makes me ready for baby number 2....almost :)
Seems sooo crazy how fast time is flying by watching our babies grow! definitely very bittersweet and it's really true they don't stay babies forever. *sniff sniff*