We've been pretty busy here at the Schmitt Haus. We started our first garden *fingers crossed* and I've been working on a few sewing projects. We finished putting our garden out last weekend which I know you aren't suppose to do until after this weekend but we live further south and its warmer here. We are growing tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, string beans, and snow peas. I may start from seed next year , I thought it would be too much this year with being new to mommy hood and all. I hope it does well but if we have any troubles I can always consult my gardening expert who also happens to be my sister! She's quite handy.

I was able to get my sewing machine out and sew up a bag and make some strap protectors for my new carrier I got for Mother's Day :) I'm currently reading up on how to sew clothing. I'm a bit intimidated though...it looks really hard. I'm still pretty new to sewing but hopefully I can figure it out. Practice makes perfect, right? ;)
I've also been able to take lots of pictures of Connor smiling!! I guess the thrill and the interest of the camera is gone and he's not so distracted by it anymore.
Can't believe that he's going to be 5 Months on Friday!! These 5 months have gone by so fast :(